Diamond Thetas Diamond Thetas Diamond Thetas

Diamond Thetas

Each year, Theta honors 75-year members by gifting them a special pansy pin. These alumnae are called Diamond Thetas in honor of their diamond anniversary. We hope you enjoy a small sample of the photos, stories, laughs, and love they shared with us upon receipt of their pin.

Ros Collins
Theta Alumnae Badge
Ros Collins Gamma deuteron

L-R: Laurie McGregor Connor, Gamma deuteron; Ros Collins, Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan; Allison Lansell, Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve; Mary Warren, Upsilon/Minnesota; Megan Ahlman, Eta Pi/Case Western Reserve; and Annie Morino, Mu/Allegheny.

Betty Johnson Graves
Theta Alumnae Badge
Betty Johnson Graves Alpha Theta

Betty Johnson Graves (Alpha Theta/Texas) was homesick when she arrived at Randolph-Macon College, where she first attended and was initiated. She was thrilled to see her longtime friend, Mary Catherine Farrington, at the Kappa Alpha Theta house during recruitment and knew she wanted to be a Theta. Until undergoing three surgeries, Betty was an active volunteer at The Blue Bird Circle resale shop and was on two committees for The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. She also gave her time to The Gathering and was a member of Saintly Stitchings at Saint Martin’s Episcopal Church, where she attended Bible Study. She loves to play mah-jongg and cards and does needlepoint.

Betty is pictured with loved ones who attended her pinning: Libby Gray, Ashley Kelley, Kelsey Walker Gray (Delta Omega/Texas A&M), Cynthia Johnson Adkins (Alpha Theta/Texas), Ann Johnson Wooldridge (Gamma Psi/TCU), Elizabeth Cummings (Alpha Theta/Texas), and Mindy Samuelson (Gamma Psi/TCU). Kelsey, Betty’s grandson’s wife, presented her with her pin.

Dorothy Seay Wynne
Theta Alumnae Badge
Dorothy Seay Wynne Alpha Theta

75-Year Diamond Theta Dorothy Seay Wynne, Alpha Theta/UT Austin, gets a personal visit from Trustee Emeritus Dinah Hampton McClymonds, Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma, in celebration of her 75th anniversary of her membership.

Anne Chrisman Hanse
Theta Alumnae Badge
Anne Chrisman Hanse Alpha Eta

My dear Kappa Alpha Theta sisters,

What an honor to receive the pansy pin in recognition of my 75 years of membership. I am wearing my new pin in this picture of me with my granddaughter. I am a member of the Alpha Eta Chapter at Vanderbilt University, initiated in 1948. My granddaughter, Holly Hanse Strawn, is a member of the Gamma Delta Chapter at the University of Georgia, initiated in 2014. I am forever proud to be a part of such special group of women.

Thank you,

Anne Chrisman Hanse

Janice Runion Dickinson
Theta Alumnae Badge
Janice Runion Dickinson Beta Kappa

Janice is pictured with daughter Priscilla Sayeed.

Elizabeth Blackwell Bartz
Theta Alumnae Badge
Elizabeth Blackwell Bartz Beta

L-R: Betty (Blackwell) Bartz, Gamma/Butler, received her 75th anniversary pin in June 2022. Pictured with her are granddaughter Kathleen (Huber) Clark, Zeta Xi/Harvard, and daughter Kathleen (Bartz) Arbuckle, Beta/Indiana.

Sara Custer Downing
Theta Alumnae Badge
Sara Custer Downing Alpha

Thank you so much for the recognition that you sent. I would like you to know that serving as president of the Alpha Chapter in 1949 was a true honor.

Sara Downing

Mary Lou Dickinson Brown
Theta Alumnae Badge
Mary Lou Dickinson Brown Eta

Dear Kathy,

Thank you and the Grand Council for my 75 year pansy pin. It really means a lot to me as I still treasure my years as an Eta Chapter Theta in dear Ann Arbor, Michigan.

You were 10 years after me. But I’m sure your memories are as dear to you as mine are to me. I’m wondering if any of my contemporaries are still alive, because I’ve lost track of many.

I’m saddened to know that Eta no longer exists and our beautiful house became a boarding house and now doesn’t even look the same.

I am enclosing a picture of me holding the painting I did of it in ’48 or ’49. Also a close up with my pins.


Mary Lou Dickinson Brown

Jeanne’ Branch Boman
Theta Alumnae Badge
Jeanne’ Branch Boman Rho

Dear Mandy,

I was thrilled to receive my beautiful pansy pin in recognition of my 75 years of membership in Kappa Alpha Theta and all the good wishes from you along with the nice notes from Carryl Krohne and Mary Ann Richards to whom I hope you will express my appreciation. It brought back so many wonderful memories. We had a great pledge class and I wonder who else might have had this honor also.

I am typing this as the one thing I seem to have lost is the skill to write so one can read it. I have to slowly print everything now that I am 93. Other than that and using a walker to help with my balance I feel great and thank goodness according to my 4 daughters still have my mind in tact. I feel very blessed with my health and being able to be in Chicago, Illinois, with the oldest 2 part of the year and with the younger 2 in Henry, Tennessee, the other part. They take wonderful care of me and in Illinois, I get to enjoy two great grandsons that are just turning 12 and 15 in February and April. Even with COVID-19, this summer, my daughter and I did go to the baseball games because we could sit outside and way back in the outfield area, away from everyone, but the virus has kept us home from their basketball games which we miss. I hope we are all free of that worry soon.

I would just like to add one final detail. My Aunt Minnie Ladd was a founder of Rho Chapter in Lincoln at the University of Nebraska where I went to college. I was always proud of that so thought I would pass it on.

Again, my thanks to all of you and may you stay healthy and enjoy the Theta Love as I have all these years.

Jeanne’ Branch Boman

Mary Brenk Laudon
Theta Alumnae Badge
Mary Brenk Laudon Psi

Dear Mandy and KAO Council Members,

It was a delightful surprise and pleasure to receive the pansy pin and card recognizing my many years as a Thea.

I cherish those eventful years at UW in Madison, Wis. My sisters became lasting friends…We were a part of the Greatest Generation. It was a wonderful time to be a college student…

I am grateful to you and the Council members for your service.


Mary Brenk Laudon

Sally O’Brien Hennessey
Theta Alumnae Badge
Sally O’Brien Hennessey Alpha Delta

Dear Mandy,

Thank you for my 75-year pin of which I am very proud – a surprise for me. It seems truly extraordinary that after all these years away from Theta and Goucher that I should hear from two Theta sisters. I feel truly honored.

I recall a share visit at the end of an academic year and many gatherings. I lived on the new campus—other students lived in the city campus—the frat rooms were always in the city of Baltimore. I was at a Theta house, when I attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wis., in the 1950s.

Today my Theta Magazine arrived—a welcome sight!

I am very grateful to receive it.

Yours in Theta,

Sally Hennessey

Lourana Preston Echanis
Theta Alumnae Badge
Lourana Preston Echanis Alpha Xi

Dear Wendy,

What a pleasant surprise was the receipt of the 75-year pin! I can’t believe that all those years have gone by and if it weren’t for the Theta organization, I would not have known. Thank you.

Theta love,

Lou Echanis

Nancy Mason Paris
Theta Alumnae Badge
Nancy Mason Paris Alpha Sigma

Dear Theta Sisters,

Thank you so much for the beautiful 75-year pansy pin—a lovely way to celebrate the years since 1946 and all the special memories along the way! Please thank all who planned this tribute/gift to all of us 75-ers.

Loyally in Theta,

Nancy Mason Paris

Virginia Ames Crozier
Theta Alumnae Badge
Virginia Ames Crozier Alpha Tau

Dear Members of KAO,

Thank you for sending the lovely alumnae pin. I am a bit perplexed as to the courtesy of selecting me. I can only assume it is because of my many years. Ninety-four to be exact, this March.

I will try to supply you with a photograph of me wearing this pin on a blouse.

However, I didn’t want to delay thanking you before this could be accomplished.


Ginny Ames Crozier

Betty Shew Hattman
Theta Alumnae Badge
Betty Shew Hattman Alpha Omega

Update: I wanted to let you know that my mother, Betty Hattman, passed away Thursday morning, due to lung cancer. It's heartbreaking, and I will miss her terribly. I'm so glad she was able to receive her 75-year Theta pin in January. It meant a lot to her.


Thank you for sending the 75th anniversary Theta pin to my mother, Betty Hattman. She was delighted to receive it and is so pleased to be a member for 75 years. Attached is a photo of her wearing her anniversary pin. Here is a quote from her:

“I treasure my Theta friends and keep in touch with my sorority sisters from the University of Pittsburgh. Through my busy life, I have always kept my Theta memories and experiences close at heart.”

Thank you for recognizing my mother!

Kris Hattman

Jane Ritter Hornsby
Theta Alumnae Badge
Jane Ritter Hornsby Beta Gamma

Dear Mandy,

The 75-year Theta pin was a lovely surprise and brings back many happy memories of college days at Colorado State—great years to be a co-ed!

My active pin was worn by my daughter at TCU, and now by my granddaughter at Texas Tech. Three generations of Theta!

Loyally in Theta,

Jane Ritter Hornsby

Betty Becker Taylor
Theta Alumnae Badge
Betty Becker Taylor Beta Rho

Dear Mandy,

Thank you for sending me the meaningful Theta pin on behalf of the Grand Council of KAO to commemorate my 75(!) years of membership. Receiving It was a lovely surprise. It does indeed evoke the memory of significant years as well as of enduring friendships.

I will gladly ask my daughter, Myle Taylor Williams of Bethesda, MD, to take a picture of the two of us together, with the pin, when she has been vaccinated as is able to come for a visit. She too is a Beta Rho alumna. I am in touch with my Duke Theta roommate, primarily via her son, Ross Whatley, M.D., my godson in Georgia. His mother. Jeanne White Whatley, and I were roommates for 3 indelible years. Our years at Duke were much embellished by our affiliation with Theta.

With warm thanks and best wishes,

Elizabeth B. Taylor

Clemens McMahan Fair
Theta Alumnae Badge
Clemens McMahan Fair Beta Phi

Dear Kappa Alpha Theta,

Thank you for the beautiful pansy pin. I will wear it with pride.

My four years at Penn State and as a Theta shaped my life. I thank you for your expression of love for me.

Theta love,

Clemens Fair

Maria Hughes Scott
Theta Alumnae Badge
Maria Hughes Scott Beta Phi

Dear Mandy,

Thank you for honoring me with the Theta pansy pin. I will wear it proudly!

Loyally in Theta,

Maria Scott

Lorna Wood Connolly
Theta Alumnae Badge
Lorna Wood Connolly Beta Chi

Dear Suzanne,

I was very honored to receive the Kappa Alpha Theta pin to commemorate my 75th anniversary.

In retrospect the years have gone quickly and I still recall the excitement and pride of becoming a Theta.

My thanks to you and Theta for the beautiful remembrance.


Lorna Wood Connolly

Lib Davis Macnab
Theta Alumnae Badge
Lib Davis Macnab Gamma Delta

Dear Grand Council of Kappa Alpha Theta,

Thank you so much for sending the pin which brings back memories at the University of Georgia and later with the alumni group in Baltimore, MD.

Elizabeth (Lib) Macnab

Joyce Rudes Jenusaitis
Theta Alumnae Badge
Joyce Rudes Jenusaitis Gamma Zeta

“We had the privilege of meeting with Diamond Theta Joyce Rudes Jenusaitis, Gamma Zeta/Connecticut. She was an absolute joy and thoroughly enjoyed our visit. She said that Theta and being at UConn was the best time of her life. Her favorite memories were all the balls and dances she got to attend. Her scrapbook had all the dance cards she had collected with notes about the evening and who she danced with.

“At the time, the rooms in the house were too small for bedrooms—they were more for meetings or studying—so everyone slept on the enclosed porch all year, winter and spring/summer! She said it would get so cold in the winter that they would go to bed with handkerchiefs tied around their heads and multiple layers on, including robes, to stay warm throughout the night. Even though it wasn't that glamorous, she loved everyone being together in one large room.

“She met her husband through a Theta sister. She went with a Theta sister to visit her home and the sister's brother was up on the porch when they arrived. It was love at first sight! They got married and had six children together.” - Meaghan Hartney, Alpha Phi/Tulane

Pictured are Jennifer Finley, Eta Xi/Quinnipiac; Rhianna Moriarty, Eta Xi/Quinnipiac; Joyce Rudes Jenusaitis, Gamma Zeta/Connecticut; Meaghan Hartney, Alpha Phi/Tulane; Gretchen Mack, Eta Xi/Quinnipiac; and Maya Narvekar, Eta Xi/Quinnipiac.

Lorna Wilson Guild
Theta Alumnae Badge
Lorna Wilson Guild Beta Upsilon

Members of the Calgary Alumnae Chapter visited with 75-year member Lorna Wilson Guild to celebrate her milestone and deliver her pin.

Pictured are Jane Martin Downing, Beta Chi/Alberta; Martina Walsh, Beta Chi/Alberta; Lorna Wilson Guild, Beta Upsilon/British Columbia; Margaret Laidlaw, Beta Chi/Alberta; and Susanne Wheatley Martin, Beta Chi/Alberta.

Mary Wagner Scott
Theta Alumnae Badge
Mary Wagner Scott Beta Xi

“At nearly 94, Mary is bright and cheerful, full of fond memories and hilarious stories of her time at the UCLA Theta house. She was the rush chairman and loved every minute of that job. She lived at home in Bel Air, so was considered a "Town Girl." She married during her sophomore year and never graduated. She and her husband raised five children, four daughters and a son, in the same house she has lived in for 75 years. Her daughter says she talks endlessly about her love for Theta! Mary's brother is Robert Wagner of Hollywood fame.” - Cathie Waters Cardelucci, Beta Xi/UCLA

Pictured are (back) Cathie Waters Cardelucci, Beta Xi/UCLA, and Janet Paine Peters, Beta Omega/Colorado College, and (front) Mary Wagner Scott, Beta Xi/UCLA.

Nora Spann Chandler
Theta Alumnae Badge
Nora Spann Chandler Beta Lambda

The Fort Myers Alumnae Chapter honored 75-year member Nora Spann Chandler at its Founders Day event.

Pictured are Cecelia Thranhardt Mattingly, Delta Zeta/Emory; Nora Spann Chandler, Beta Lambda/William & Mary; and Fran Turner Allison, Beta Eta/Pennsylvania (who was celebrating 79 years!).

Marty Spotts Watson
Theta Alumnae Badge
Marty Spotts Watson Beta Kappa

“We had a great visit with Marty Spotts Watson! Dressed in gold and black and wearing her badge, she was excited to meet the five members of the Columbus Alumnae chapter who came to celebrate the occasion with her. Her son and daughter-in-law were also in attendance to mark the occasion. In college she was a journalism major (and was the editor of the school newspaper!). She said due to it being during the war, there weren't a lot of men on campus and she had fond memories of doing things with her Theta sisters. She remembered her days being involved in the Columbus alumnae group after moving to the area and going to lunches regularly with other alumnae. She has a radiant smile, and when complimented on it, said it was a ‘Theta smile.’” - Jessica Rannow, Psi/Wisconsin

Pictured are Monica Gacka, Alpha Gamma/Ohio State; Marty Spotts Watson, Beta Kappa/Drake; Felicity Hillmer, Beta Tau/Denison; and Jessica Mossman Vanaman, Zeta Sigma/Ohio Northern.

Helen Griffith Minteer
Theta Alumnae Badge
Helen Griffith Minteer Beta Iota

“Helen was pleased to be asked to join Beta Beta Chapter at Randolph-Macon Women’s College. Thetas at Randolph-Macon lived in dorms but enjoyed Theta meetings in a cottage in the woods where there were cottages for other sororities as well. In the fall of 1946, Helen transferred to the University of Colorado and affiliated with Beta Iota Chapter. She enjoyed living in Beta Iota’s beautiful chapter house and made many lifelong Theta friends who she has kept in touch with through the years. Helen has enjoyed being an active alumna in Kansas City. She attended meetings for years, served as catering and programs chair, and enjoyed meeting once a month with Thetas for lunch at The Forum Retirement Home, where she lives. Helen still enjoys calling together a group of senior Thetas for lunch each month at The Forum and enjoys playing bridge.”

Pictured is Betsy Linder Graverson, Gamma Omega/Auburn; Helen Griffith Minteer, Beta Iota/Colorado; and Leah Eaton Logan, Epsilon Iota/Westminster.

Joan (Jackie) Wendel Wiegand
Theta Alumnae Badge
Joan (Jackie) Wendel Wiegand Beta Eta

The Providence Alumnae Chapter welcomed Jackie at their Founders Day Celebration. “We had the BEST time! Jackie is LOVELY. Everyone was enthralled and I do believe Jackie realized how special she is. We are thrilled to welcome her to Rhode Island.” -Carrie Helmke Haner, Delta Eta/Kansas State

Pictured are Carissa Lord Mills, Epsilon Lambda/Dickinson; Joan (Jackie) Wendel Wiegand, Beta Eta/Pennsylvania; and Kim Lucas Churchill, Delta Phi/Clemson.

Pauline (Polly) Marinick
Theta Alumnae Badge
Pauline (Polly) Marinick Beta Gamma

“We had a nice time with Polly, she is gracious and has a memory that is amazing. Polly said that Theta sisters helped her to become more studious. We all agreed that academics were most important in each of our chapters. The 'small world story' is that Polly, from Casper, Wyoming, was a Theta sister with MY mother-in-law from Pueblo, CO!” - Sally Schwartz Belcher, Rho/Nebraska

Pictured are Karen Zaback, Rho/Nebraska; Kim Lisco Fedore, Delta Iota/Puget Sound; Pauline (Polly) Marinick, Beta Gamma/Colorado State; and Kelly Lisco Taubert, Delta Iota/Puget Sound.

Virginia Barker Moore
Theta Alumnae Badge
Virginia Barker Moore Alpha Omega

“We presented Virginia with her 75-year pin and a giant hanging basket of pansies. Virginia is an amazing woman. At over 90 years old, she can keep up in every way better than someone half her age. She was very disappointed Alpha Omega/Pittsburgh is no longer and was quite certain, had she chosen to stay in Pittsburgh, she would have found a way to keep it going.” - Rebecca Doerr Schell, Phi/Pacific

Pictured is Virginia Barker Moore, Alpha Omega/Pittsburgh.

Annabel Montgomery Clinton
Theta Alumnae Badge
Annabel Montgomery Clinton Alpha Omega

“We had a great visit. Angharad (Angharad Grimes Stock) and I are both Alpha Omega's from the University of Pittsburgh, as is Annabel, so we had a great chat. She was the Panhellenic vice president her senior year and graduated with honors (but she didn't tell us those things!). We had a great time.” – LeeAnn Wagner Cica, Alpha Omega/Pittsburgh

Pictured are LeeAnn Wagner Cica and Annabel Montgomery Clinton, both Alpha Omega/Pittsburgh.

Jane Findley Brown
Theta Alumnae Badge
Jane Findley Brown Beta Epsilon

“It was truly a pleasure to see Jane again after many years. She was very happy with our visit!” - Mary Sipprell Pool, Alpha Xi/Oregon.

Pictured are Betsy Lewis Bennett, Alpha Chi/Purdue; Jane Findley Brown, Beta Epsilon/Oregon State; and Mary Sipprell Pool, Alpha Xi/Oregon.

Anna McGee Moody
Theta Alumnae Badge
Anna McGee Moody Alpha Nu

“Anna pledged Theta to follow in the steps of a high school friend, whom she admired, and wanted her to be her big sister. She remembers that the Theta house had more than 30 sleeping beds on the top floor in an large unheated room (think Montana in the winter), so they all brought their own hot water bottles to bed to sleep in “Siberia,” as this top floor was nicknamed. She also remembers women had to wear skirts to class even in winter, but they wore jeans on the weekends. It’s obvious that her participation in Theta meant a lot to her as she reflects on the photos she has saved for more than 75 years of those chapter events and her Theta friendships.” -Jennifer Holiman Alexander, Omega/UC Berkeley

Pictured are Anna McGee Moody, Alpha Nu/Montana, and Jennifer Holiman Alexander, Omega/UC Berkeley.

Kay Morris Lorenz
Theta Alumnae Badge
Kay Morris Lorenz Alpha Nu

“Kay was thrilled with her pin and her certificate. She is so adorable and I have a new Theta friend! she was going to meet with two of her other Theta friends after I left her because they wanted to see everything that I had brought. Thank you for this opportunity it was amazing!” - Nancy Schmidt Brunson, Alpha Mu/Missouri

Pictured is Kay Morris Lorenz, Alpha Nu/Montana.

Joanne Paterson Hodges
Theta Alumnae Badge
Joanne Paterson Hodges Alpha Mu

The Houston Alumnae Chapter honored two 75-year members at its Founders Day Celebration, Joanne Paterson Hodges, Alpha Mu/Missouri, and Kathleen Tyler Nitschke, Alpha Theta/Texas. “Joanne is really a LOVELY and very savvy Theta.” - Dinah Hamptons McClymonds, Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma

Pictured Dinah Hamptons McClymonds, Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma, pins the 75-year member pin on Joanne Paterson Hodges, Alpha Mu/Missouri.

Barbara Bowden Pringle
Theta Alumnae Badge
Barbara Bowden Pringle Alpha Lambda

“We had a lovely morning chatting with her in her apartment and hearing some of her stories in college. She remembers how, when she was initiated, all the fraternities on campus were being used for military housing, (noting with a smirk "the sailors in uniform frequenting the area made walks to class very enjoyable") and life was very different. She transferred from University of Washington to Stanford after two years and completed a general studies degree. She returned back to the Seattle area after graduating and met her husband there. She greatly enjoyed her time as an active Theta, staying involved as an alumna, and notes that there are several Thetas in her building today that she keeps close with.” - Alexa Koch Neynaber, Rho/Nebraska

Pictured is Barbara Bowden Pringle, Alpha Lambda/Washington, and Katie Breece, Delta Iota/Puget Sound.

Kathleen Tyler Nitschke
Theta Alumnae Badge
Kathleen Tyler Nitschke Alpha Theta

The Houston Alumnae Chapter honored two 75-year members at its Founders Day Celebration, Joanne Paterson Hodges, Alpha Mu/Missouri, and Kathleen Tyler Nitschke, Alpha Theta/Texas. “Kathleen's three daughters were all in attendance: Mary Kay Nitschke Mraz, Gamma Psi/TCU; Lucy Nitschke Biggs, Gamma Psi/TCU; and Beth Nitschke Stevener, Alpha Theta/Texas. I had a lovely phone message from Kathleen waiting for me…she was so appreciative of the special honor and our spectacular Founders Day.” - Dinah Hamptons McClymonds. Alpha Omicron/Oklahoma

Pictured are Lisa Lowry Schwartz, Epsilon Epsilon/Baylor; Kathleen Tyler Nitschke, Alpha Theta/Texas; and Mary Kay Nitschke Mraz, Gamma Psi/TCU.

Frances Brigham Johnson
Theta Alumnae Badge
Frances Brigham Johnson Delta

“We met up with Frances and had a lovely time chatting with her! Some of the members of the alumnae chapter have also mentioned writing letters to Francis to celebrate her 75 years.” - Jess Staskal, Beta Kappa/Drake

Pictured are Jess Staskal, Beta Kappa/Drake; Frances Brigham Johnson, Delta/Illinois; and Jessica Ghaffari Markham, Gamma Mu/Maryland.

Maryanna Blanchard Robinson
Theta Alumnae Badge
Maryanna Blanchard Robinson Chi

“Maryanna was initiated into Theta in 1945. With World War II coming to an end, housing was needed for the young men and women who were returning, so local students were asked to live at home. The Chi Chapter house had a "city girls room" where Maryanna once stayed for about three weeks, otherwise she walked from home to attend class (about a mile)—once after a snowstorm only to find that classes had been cancelled because professors couldn't get there! Maryanna and her husband (who had been in the Navy) were married after her junior year. They lived in married student housing, which was a trailer consisting of a bedroom and a small kitchen/living room area. The bathroom/shower was in ANOTHER trailer! She graduated with a major in cartography and geography. Maryanna's mom was also a member of Chi/Syracuse, initiated 2/6/1914.” - Ginnie Allen Russo, Chi/Syracuse

Pictured are Ginnie Allen Russo, Sandy Smeltzer, Maryanna Blanchard Robinson, and Linda Deck LeMessurier, all Chi/Syracuse.

Willa Davis Seemann
Theta Alumnae Badge
Willa Davis Seemann Rho

“Willa was thrilled with her pin and certificate and very appreciative of the extra effort taken this year to recognize the 75-year Thetas. She could not believe she was reaching this milestone but was very proud to be doing so. We had a lovely visit, and I enjoyed the opportunity to meet her.” - Morgan Demmel Goethel, Rho/Nebraska

Pictured is Willa Davis Seemann, Rho/Nebraska.

Betty Goodman Giles
Theta Alumnae Badge
Betty Goodman Giles Omicron

“Like many Thetas of that day, Betty married before she graduated…She was active for many years in the Pasadena Alumnae Chapter as well as the local Panhellenic. She assisted with the early years of Eta Mu/Occidental, when they got their first house. I loved how she said she was a pledge ‘forever and ever,’ as she pledged in spring semester, then summer passed, then had to make grades in the fall to initiate. She remembered some of the things that pledges had to do (“empty the wastebaskets”) and that they had a curfew until they made grades.” - Jane Palmer Horlings, Rho/Nebraska

Pictured are (back) Janet Paine Peters, Beta Omega/Colorado College, and Cathie Waters Cardelucci, Beta Xi/UCLA, and (front) Betty Goodman Giles, Omicron/USC.

Dorothy Lerch Berner
Theta Alumnae Badge
Dorothy Lerch Berner Gamma deuteron

“I had the privilege of presenting a 75-year Kappa Alpha Theta pin to this lovely Gamma deuteron member, OWU class of 1948. A delightful time! And by chance, it happened on the 46th anniversary of my initiation.” - Laurie McGregor Connor, Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan

Pictured are Laurie McGregor Connor and Dorothy Lerch Berner, both Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan.

Pat Maloney Grantham
Theta Alumnae Badge
Pat Maloney Grantham Kappa

“We had a delightful visit! Pat lives independently in Augusta, Kansas, has nine children, and loves to play games on her computer. She and her twin sister (Peggy Maloney Sinning, also a 75-Year-Theta who resides in Australia) attended University of Kansas. She shared some fond memories of walking up ‘the Hill’ to classes, her pledge class activities, and living in the Theta house. She loved receiving her 75-Year pin, and we loved visiting with such a fun and personable sister.” - Phyllis Robertson, Kappa/Kansas

Pictured are Mary Lynn Kluge Walker, Alpha Upsilon/Washburn; Pat Maloney Grantham, Kappa/Kansas; and Lindsey Fortmeyer Lane, Delta Eta/Kansas State.

Lyn King Dawson
Theta Alumnae Badge
Lyn King Dawson Iota

“She was thrilled with the recognition and so proud. She also wondered what the 80-year pin would look like! She shared with us that she left her hometown of Berkeley, Calif., to attend college at Cornell because it had a superior Home Economics program. She met her future husband, Norm, at Cornell. They are still married 72 years later! When asked, ‘Why Theta?’ she had this to say: ‘Cornell had a deferred rush so we couldn't rush until the second semester. It gave me a chance to meet a lot of women, and I just liked Theta the best.’” - Devon Mishkin Shealy, Gamma Delta/Georgia

Pictured are Devon Mishkin Shealy, Gamma Delta/Georgia, and Lyn King Dawson, Iota/Cornell.

Jean Faulconer Phillips
Theta Alumnae Badge
Jean Faulconer Phillips Gamma

“Jean recalled her initiation story (her initiation was delayed due to Franklin Roosevelt’s death on April 12, 1945) and how there was only ONE boy on campus because of the war. She was a ‘townie,’ but stayed at the facility many nights, sharing a twin bed with her best friend who did live in the house. Jean was a music studies major and still plays the piano regularly. She attended Butler for two years. Her two daughters were present for our visit and were so kind to us. They knew all of her Theta stories. Her great-granddaughter is a Theta at Indiana University and she is very proud of her.” -Laura Kassenbrock Stelsel, Gamma/Butler

Pictured are Lauren Lewis Hearn, Delta/Illinois; Liz Sinnock Drake, Beta/Indiana; Jean Faulconer Phillips, Gamma/Butler; and Laura Kassenbrock Stelsel, Gamma/Butler.

Grace Carrington Goodall
Theta Alumnae Badge
Grace Carrington Goodall Gamma deuteron

Grace Carrington Goodall, Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan, had recently passed away, but Laurie McGregor Connor, Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan, connected with her family. She was able to meet with Grace’s family in Indianapolis on January 27; her daughter, Pastor Ann Spahr (she wore black and gold), and granddaughter Alison. It was a very meaningful experience for all of them. Here is a portion of an email Ann wrote to Laurie:

“Kappa Alpha Theta meant so much to her. Through the magazine and letters, she kept up with what was going on in her chapter and the sorority. I can imagine the principles and idealism of Theta were the principles that she lived by the rest of her life. She was very active in recruiting young women to become Thetas (and sadness she must have had when I, and then my daughter, attended colleges that did not have a Theta chapter). I am close to the Kappa Alpha Theta home office in Indianapolis. One memory I cherish is the year mother came and we went to visit the office. She smiled at the pansies and had a wonderful time talking with the women who were there that day.”

Pictured are Alison Spahr, Pastor Ann Spahr and Laurie McGregor Connor, Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan.

Amy Jo Bergh Whiting
Theta Alumnae Badge
Amy Jo Bergh Whiting Rho

"Thank you so much for my mother's 75 year pansy pin. She was thrilled!

"Per your request, here is a picture of us (her two daughters and granddaughter - all Thetas!) presenting it to her in Greenbrae, California (Marin County in Northern California), where she lives near her oldest daughter, Jill. Mom is 94 years old.

"My mom, Amy Jo Whiting (née Bergh) was Rho 1947 at Nebraska; my sister, Amy "Luci" Lucinda Lindwall (née Whiting), and I, Jill Knott (née Whiting), were both Beta Iota at CU Boulder (Amy Lucinda, was initiated Beta Iota in 1983, and Jill, Beta Iota in 1982), and her granddaughter, Alexandra Lindwall, recently graduated as a Theta at UCLA, Beta Xi 2016. (Jill is in blue and Amy Lucinda in red. Alexandra, in beige, is Amy Lucinda's daughter. Mom of course, is in black and gold!)

"We all cherished our time at Theta.

"Thank you again for recognizing her for her 75 years as a Theta."

Jill Whiting Knott, Beta Iota/Colorado

Jane Grim Thompson
Theta Alumnae Badge
Jane Grim Thompson Psi

Jane received her 75-year badge from members of the San Mateo County Alumnae Chapter.

Nancy Grimm Felsted
Theta Alumnae Badge
Nancy Grimm Felsted Alpha Gamma

"I received my pansy pin yesterday with a gracious note from Annette C. Potts, former Grand Vice President Education. Such a lovey note in support of the recognition. My family was touched by both the note and the recognition. I served various roles in the chapter including Rush Chairman. I loved my college days and Theta gave me wonderful opportunities to make the most of the experience."

Jane Taylor Von Thron
Theta Alumnae Badge
Jane Taylor Von Thron Alpha Gamma

"Dear Kappa Alpha Theta sisters,

Thank you for my 75th anniversary Kappa Alpha Theta pin. I will wear it proudly. (And I have attached a picture).

I am so grateful for the many happy memories from my Kappa Alpha Theta years

Many many thanks, Jane von Thron"

Patricia Lucy Youngdahl
Theta Alumnae Badge
Patricia Lucy Youngdahl Alpha Iota

"Pat was a leader of women's empowerment before it was a movement or a word. Love this lady." Ellon Cockrill, Delta Nu/Arkansas

Barbara Mitchell Mercer
Theta Alumnae Badge
Barbara Mitchell Mercer Beta Gamma

"I am wearing my 75-year pin with pride. Thank you for this crown of sisterhood."

Neva Baine Murphy
Theta Alumnae Badge
Neva Baine Murphy Beta Beta

Neva, pictured here with daughter Neva M. Murphy, Kappa/Kansas.

Marjory Gay Nelson Wade
Theta Alumnae Badge
Marjory Gay Nelson Wade Beta Epsilon

"Thank you so much for the pin! It means a lot to me."

Joyce Brunkow Kubitz
Theta Alumnae Badge
Joyce Brunkow Kubitz Gamma Pi

"Here is the pic of me at 93 wearing the memorable pin. It reminds me of the good days in Ames, Iowa and the life in the house, and then in Evanston, IL in the Theta Annex."

Sue Ann Stephens Woods
Theta Alumnae Badge
Sue Ann Stephens Woods Gamma Omicron

Sue Ann Stephens Woods is wearing her 75-year pin for Kappa Alpha Theta. She was thrilled to receive the pin and it brought back good memories and a smile as seen in the photo.

Jean Hartman
Theta Alumnae Badge
Jean Hartman Gamma Pi

"I recently had the opportunity to attend the Founders Day celebration at Texas Tech University, Gamma Phi chapter, with my 93-year-old mom, Jean Hartman. She wore the beautiful 75-year pansy pin that you sent her. The chapter and alumnae did a wonderful job and my mom was very honored, and humbled. She even got a standing ovation, which was very sweet.

"Su Pasewark Hess was on the Founders Day committee and is a family friend who encouraged us to bring my mom. Here is a picture below from the event:

L to R: Martha Hartman Schutte (Gamma Phi/Texas Tech), Jean Hartman (Gamma Pi/Iowa State), Su Pasewark Hess (Gamma Phi/Texas Tech)

"Thank you for sending the pin. Mom wore it with pride. I saw the message that came with the pin and that is why I am emailing a photo to you. The chapter has other photos from the day too."

- Martha Hartman Schutte (Gamma Phi/Texas Tech), daughter of Jean Hartman

Helen Jo Lerch Rouhier
Theta Alumnae Badge
Helen Jo Lerch Rouhier Gamma deuteron

Helen (right) received her 75-year pin from Laurie McGregor Connor, Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan.