Kappa Alpha Theta seeks to promote an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for all members and does not tolerate any acts that may be constituted as hazing. The Fraternity encourages and facilitates discussion and education related to hazing identification and prevention.
Kappa Alpha Theta seeks to promote an environment that is physically and emotionally safe at all times and does not tolerate any acts that may be constituted as hazing. Hazing is defined as the subjection of a member or new member to any activity which endangers or reasonably may be expected to endanger the emotional and/or physical health or safety of a member or new member or any activity which would be expected to humiliate, embarrass, or cause personal discomfort to a member or new member, regardless of one’s willingness to participate in such activity. In many jurisdictions, hazing is subject to legal consequences, including criminal liability. Hazing, in any form, will not be tolerated. Hazing may result in chapter and member discipline, including termination of membership.
Reporting Resources
Organization Directory
Hazing Prevention Network, formerly known as HazingPrevention.Org, is a national nonprofit dedicated to empowering people to prevent hazing. Our goal is to educate people about the dangers of hazing, advocate for change, and engage the community in strategies to prevent hazing.
The Anti-Hazing Coalition (AHC) is a collaboration of the National Panhellenic Conference, the North American Interfraternity Conference and parents whose children were tragically killed by acts of hazing. The AHC is working to eradicate hazing through aggressive student educational outreach, new state-level efforts to strengthen criminal and civil penalties for hazing and federal advocacy to use transparency to make lasting cultural change in student organizations and on university campuses.
This one-hour Anti-Hazing Education course is a comprehensive learning experience composed of university research, written materials, expert commentary and various personal experiences.
StopHazing’s mission is to promote safe and inclusive school, campus, and organizational environments through research, resource sharing, and the development of data-driven strategies for hazing prevention and the promotion of positive and inclusive group climates.
Contact Us
Contact us with questions about the resources on this web page or with suggestions for additional content.