We are thrilled that our daughter has joined Kappa Alpha Theta. She has never been happier. It is our pleasure to donate to Theta Foundation and help to continue the programs and opportunities you offer.
Parent of a member at Epsilon Rho/Lehigh
Parents, family members and support systems of Thetas, welcome! For more than 150 years, Kappa Alpha Theta members have upheld a tradition of leading the way for women in higher education. Your Theta is among more than 200,000 college and alumnae members who believe in the values of leadership, lifelong sisterhood, and scholarship.
Theta values the involvement of parents, families, and support systems of our members. However, our members’ right to privacy is of the utmost importance. Information about, but not limited to, membership status, discipline issues, finances, and housing are provided solely to individual members. Members may choose not to share information with their parents or family members, and we respect their choice and privacy.
The engagement of parents, family members and support systems in your Theta’s experience is encouraged and warmly welcomed. Regardless of your level of involvement, it is critical to recognize the importance of your Theta having an independent membership experience. While your support makes a positive impact, your Theta’s member experience is ultimately up to her.
Kappa Alpha Theta expects that all members will follow organizational policy, college/university regulations, and all local, state/province, and federal laws. Kappa Alpha Theta’s policies and position statements can be found below.
Kappa Alpha Theta expects that all members will follow organizational policy, college/university regulations and all local, state/province, and federal laws. Failure to meet these expectations may lead to individual member discipline.
Kappa Alpha Theta seeks to promote an environment that is physically and emotionally safe at all times and does not tolerate any acts that may be constituted as hazing.
Kappa Alpha Theta welcomes, in accordance with the laws of the Fraternity, all college women, without regard to race, religion, national origin, age, disability, or other marginalized identities. Those who identify as women are eligible for membership. Kappa Alpha Theta is committed to fighting racism, discrimination, and inequity – both within our sisterhood and within our world.
Kappa Alpha Theta expects all members to abide by local, state/province, and federal laws regarding alcohol, drugs, and other substances. Using college chapter funds to purchase alcohol and/or drugs is strictly prohibited. No alcohol and/or illegal substances may be stored, served, or consumed on Kappa Alpha Theta property.
Learn About the Alcohol Skills Training ProgramA woman who has graduated/women who have graduated.
“Bigs” serve as mentors to a “Little,” who is typically a younger member of the chapter. These pairings are created by a chapter officer, taking into consideration common interests, academic similarities, and member personalities.
A specific group of Thetas on a university’s campus. Chapters are designated by Greek letters. For example, Alpha is the Kappa Alpha Theta chapter at DePauw University.
All members come together weekly to share chapter updates, conduct chapter votes, and hear officer reports.
The financial responsibility of a member. Dues can range in amount from campus to campus, but are used for chapter facility operations, social and sisterhood events, scholastic programming, and recruitment costs.
The administrative offices of Kappa Alpha Theta. Located in Indianapolis, Indiana, these offices house staff dedicated to supporting the Fraternity, Theta Foundation, and Fraternity Housing Corporation.
Some, not all, Theta chapters have a chapter house/facility. Most chapters expect a member to live in the facility at some point during her membership. “Live-in” expectations are different from chapter to chapter.
A service performed by initiated members following the completion of the member orientation program. During initiation, new members will formally join the chapter by participating in Theta’s private ritual ceremonies. Alcohol is prohibited at any activities in conjunction with initiation.
A program lead by the chapter’s new member director to provide new members with an orientation to the Fraternity and to integrate them into the chapter as members within four to six weeks. Learn more about Theta's member orientation program.
A student who has signed a pledge to become a member of Kappa Alpha Theta but is not yet initiated.
Chapters participate in fundraising and service events each year, benefitting Theta’s philanthropic priorities: Theta Foundation and Court Appointed Special Advocates/Guardians ad Litem (CASA/GAL).
During the academic year, chapters participate in an intake of new members. The process requires participation of all initiated members and may happen in a formal or informal setting.
As a new member, your Theta will learn about expectations of membership, her chapter, organizational history, and most importantly, get to know her member class. Modules covered during member orientation include Theta 101, Leadership & Your Theta Community, and Theta Ritual & Lifelong Membership.
Time commitment depends greatly upon the degree to which your Theta becomes involved in her chapter. A new member typically devotes about six to eight hours per week to chapter meetings, scholastic programming, social functions, and sisterhood events.
Annually, each chapter creates its own budget, based on its facility as well as on programming, administrative, and general operational costs. If your Theta is at a semester school, dues are billed in the fall and the spring. If your Theta is at a quarter school, dues are billed in fall, winter, and spring. It is important to note that your Theta is responsible for the timely payment and completion of financial responsibilities.
Yes! Theta Foundation is proud to award more than $800,000 each year in merit- and need-based scholarships to Thetas for undergraduate and graduate study. Theta Foundation also supports chapters and members with grant funding to participate in non-degree educational, leadership development, and service-learning programs to help them promote the widest influence for good. Learn more about the Foundation’s scholarship and grant programs.
If your Theta’s campus has a Theta facility, it is important to note that it is an obligation of membership to live in the facility. Each Theta chapter establishes its own policies and procedures for filling the facility to capacity each year. Chapter live-in expectations vary greatly from campus to campus and are noted in chapter bylaws.
Membership in Kappa Alpha Theta is much more than just a college experience. Alumnae across North America offer one another opportunities for continued professional and personal development. Members continue their engagement with Theta after graduation through membership in alumnae groups; serving in volunteer roles; donating to Theta Foundation; and staying connected via ThetaConnect, social media, and the Theta magazine.
Have questions, comments or concerns? We’d love to hear from you!