Introduce a Potential Member
Kappa Alpha Theta appreciates the efforts of anyone who recommends outstanding young women for membership. The process of identifying qualified potential members is a responsibility and a privilege for our college chapters – and you are an important part. Therefore, you are welcome and encouraged to submit an Introduction Form for qualified potential members. This form is referred to as a RIF (reference information form) or LOS (letter of support) by other Greek organizations, and previously known by Theta as the reference letter or recommendation letter.
Any person, regardless of membership, is able to submit. To learn more about why Kappa Alpha Theta is using an introduction form that anyone can submit, read the Potential New Member Introduction FAQ.
Online Introduction Form
After submitting the completed form, it will be sent to the college chapter's vice president membership of the school where the potential member is attending.
Submit the FormPrintable Introduction Form
You may also choose to send the form via regular mail. Simply download and print the form, and mail it to the recruitment team at the chapter of the school where the potential member is attending. Find the facility mailing address in the Recruitment Information Report below.
What Is a "Legacy"?
A Theta legacy is defined as a daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, or sister of a Kappa Alpha Theta member. Stepdaughters, step-granddaughters, step-great-granddaughters, and stepsisters are considered legacies if their family considers them as such and if the family asks that they be considered as such.
There is no such thing as an indirect legacy (i.e., cousin, niece), and such persons are not given special consideration.
You can indicate if a potential member has any family connections to Theta through the Introduction Form.
Questions About Recruitment
Recruitment Alumnae FAQ
Learn more about alumnae involvement and Theta’s current recruitment process.
Learn MoreRecruitment Information Report
Listing of chapters by school name with spring and fall primary recruitment.
Download ReportLegacy Change FAQ
Learn more about why all potential members are warmly welcomed and recruited regardless of legacy status.
Read the FAQ