Gamma Nu
Located At
Installed On
Chapter Beginnings
Gamma Nu Chapter’s roots go back to 1913 at North Dakota Agricultural College. The petitioning group, Zeta Chapter of Phi Omega Pi, counted 280 alumnae members and owned a chapter facility when it sought a Theta charter. The 1947 District Convention was brought to Fargo for the installation and initiation of Gamma Nu charter members on the campus now known as North Dakota State University.
Notable Thetas
From the very beginning, Theta alumnae have distinguished themselves in their careers and their volunteer endeavors. In fact, some are so well-known that they’re household names, and many have the distinction of being the first women in their professional fields. The archives takes this opportunity to recognize some of our more notable sisters.
Gamma Nu Historical Documents from the Archives
Click on the documents below for a variety of historical documents about the chapter.