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Grand Conventions, 1901-1919: Through words and pictures
Grand Convention, 1903
Minneapolis -
Grand Convention, 1905
PhiladelphiaAlpha Gamma/Ohio State delegate, Magazine, November 1905:
"When she looked around the long table and saw all the dear Thetas, love and enthusiasm filled her heart: and when she heard those splendid toasts, a reverence was awakened for our ideals and for the womanly women who represent them, which she wishes might be shared with all Thetas far and near."
Grand Convention, 1907
Chicago"On Wednesday afternoon our Evanston Thetas invited us to spend the afternoon and evening on the campus at old Northwestern. We were divided into parties of twelve with a leader, by means of tiny bows of various colored ribbons. Each party of twelve, every member wearing the same color, was escorted across the city, through trains and elevated roads to the campus of the University."
Grand Convention, 1909
Chicago"At convention we meet some two hundred women who wear the Theta badge and our own idea of the Theta type loses itself in the vast assembly of other types. Then we perceive that it is because we are all different, because we come from different colleges, different chapters, and different families that we are as far reaching and as powerful as we are, and that our success is due to the fact that we are uniting our individual strength and ability to work for our fraternity." Jean Margaret Mead, Phi deuteron/Stanford
Grand Convention, 1911
Pasadena, Calif.Magazine, November 1911:
"Eighty-one Thetas were aboard the special when it left Chicago. That special train started out as a train of one baggage car, one diner, five sleepers, one observation car; it added two more sleepers before entering California. One-hundred-thirty-three Thetas were aboard when the train left Palo Alto for the last night’s ride together."
Grand Convention, 1913
Minnewaska, N.Y."In the name of the nobler womanhood we gathered, communed, and parted -- re-inspired -- on the shores of Lake Minnewaska. The woods rang with laughter by day, and the new moon christened new born friendships in the stillness of the night.
Grand Convention, 1915
Gearhart-by-the-Sea, Ore.“Just then a weary but excited girl peeped through a crack in the door and began apologetically. “I thought I’d come and get acquainted. You see the D.P.s [district presidents] are giving a ‘spread’ in the room next to mine, and they make so much noise we couldn’t sleep. They tell me nobody sleeps at Theta convention."
Grand Convention, 1917
Charlevoix, Mich.Magazine, November 1922:
"Bandages being rolled in the lobby – knitting needles clicking to produce sober looking garments four our “boys” – appropriations being made for the Red Cross – and our lone Canadian sister, sad-eyed, yet brave, telling us of the still greater hardships of our sisters over the border."
Grand Convention, 1919
St. LouisMagazine, November 1919:
"What is the most valuable one thing Convention adds to Theta experiences? The 'National visition'! Convention by its very existence, in its very nature, takes away the local notion, and substitutes a very real national existence. The Grand council, the round table exchange of ideas, and the mere presence of girls from so many sections, all interested in, and working for, the same ideals – our Kappa Alpha Theta; all these mean a wider national vision.”