Theta Forever Fund
Unrestricted annual donations through the Theta Forever Fund support our educational, leadership, and philanthropic programs, including the Fraternity Grant, to ensure the Theta experience is here for generations to come. In this way, gifts to the Theta Forever Fund bridge the gap between the realities of educational and leadership expenses and the memories Thetas make on campuses and in their college chapters. The Theta experience is richer for every program, every personal growth opportunity, every member who lends a helping hand, because of your generosity.
Annual Gifts
Each year, Theta Foundation reaches out to alumnae, family and friends of Thetas, and chapters to ask for financial support. You don’t have to wait for Theta Foundation to contact you—we make it easy and convenient for you to give annually.
Donate NowHonor & Memorial Gifts
Consider making a donation to Theta Foundation in celebration of a Theta close to you, and we will send a hand-addressed card! Our honor, celebration, and memorial cards are a simple way to show you care. No matter the occasion, we can help you make a difference for Thetas.
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