Kappa Alpha Theta is proud to offer many opportunities for leadership development, service, networking, and lifelong learning to both collegians and alumnae.
Founders Day
Each year, Thetas around the globe celebrate January 27 as our Founders Day.

Day of Service
The International Day of Service brings Theta collegians and alumnae together in service in honor of founder Bettie Locke Hamilton on her birthday, October 19.
Day of ServiceFounders Day
Each year, Thetas around the globe celebrate January 27 as our Founders Day.
Founders DayGrand Convention
Grand Convention 2026 will be held in Las Vegas, NV, from July 9-12, 2026.
Grand ConventionEmerging Leaders Institute
Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) is a three-day, in-person leadership experience designed to enhance the personal development of undergraduate members who identify as emerging leaders.
Emerging Leaders Institute