1 Alert
Winter Closing
Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity, Theta Foundation, and Fraternity Housing Corporation (FHC) staff will have limited availability Monday, Dec. 23, 2024, through Friday, Jan. 3, 2025, in recognition of the holiday season.
By Isabella Markovski-Dickey,
Alpha, DePauw
The digital Winter 2021 issue of the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine is here!
By Julianne Butler,
The memories shared are often touching, encouraging, and a true testament to what the Theta experience is all about.
Get cozy with a warm beverage, open this issue up on your computer or mobile device, and catch up on all things Theta.
This issue discusses support in its many different forms.
By Lisa Thibault,
Epsilon Iota, Westminster
We are celebrating our newest milestone: our 7,000th member of Theta Life Loyal!
Kappa Alpha Theta has taken great strides to ensure that online communication is accessible to its members.
The “State of Kappa Alpha Theta” is the perfect description for this Spring 2021 issue.
Enter: our first ever all-digital Summer/Autumn 2020 issue of the Theta Magazine.
By Liz Rinck,
Gamma, Butler
As part of Theta’s 150th anniversary year, our magazine would celebrate the Magazine's own 135th anniversary
It’s the first issue of our sesquicentennial year!
The Autumn 2019 issue is the last issue of the Theta magazine before we begin our 150th anniversary celebration in 2020.
By Noraleen Young,
Alpha Chi, Purdue
In the archives, this fall has been filled with special projects for our milestone celebration in 2020.