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Theta Notables: Honoring Thetas Who Lead the Way

Category: Heritage

Noraleen Young

Alpha Chi, Purdue

Did you know there is a Theta Notables area of the website? The Theta Notables listing identifies Thetas who represent the top of their fields or were first in their field and are recognized at the top level of achievement by organizations or groups outside of Theta. The listing can be searched by chapter, category, decade of initiation, and name. Categories represent multiple fields: academics, arts, sports, media, performing arts, government service, and business.

The listing has grown over the years. Throughout Theta’s history, particularly through the pages of the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine, we identify Thetas who have made contributions in their fields of endeavor. Recommendations for additions to the list are welcomed!

Several times each year, suggestions are reviewed for potential inclusion on the list and the list is updated. When considering potential listees, we use an established set of guidelines to evaluate who is included with the focus on those with national/international level of recognition within their fields. We do not include those notable due solely to the status of their spouse or parent unless the position is unique, nor do we recognize those whose membership status is not “in good standing.” Additionally, inclusion on the list is not an endorsement by Theta for the individual.

The archives maintains an extensive set of biographical files about significant Thetas in various fields that may or may not be included on the list, so if you do not see a specific Theta on the list, there may be information about that individual in Theta’s archives. Please contact the archives if you have any questions.