October 2016
The archive has been a busy place lately!
Theta, along with other archives around the country, participated on October 5 in #AskAnArchivist Day on social media. I was able to answer several of the questions using resources found here on the heritage site. You don’t have to wait for #AskAnArchivist to pose a question about Theta’s history or archive: You are welcome to contact archives@kappaalphatheta.org any time you have a question!
Every Thursday, you can see the archive featured on the “Live from the Theta Archive” Snapchat story. Each week I focus on a different aspect of Theta’s history and welcome suggestions for topics to cover. Theta is listed under “kappaalphatheta.”
Our focus in the archive for much of the past month has been on Bettie Locke and her family. In this touching video found on the heritage site, Carole Cones-Bradfield, Alpha/DePauw, talks about her great-grandmother Bettie and Theta. I mentioned here last month that as part of the Indiana Bicentennial of statehood, a torch relay has been going on across the state. We were able to nominate Bettie Locke as a torchbearer for a segment of the relay in Greencastle, home of Bettie and DePauw. Kerri Hemmelgarn, Alpha/DePauw CEO, carried the torch in Bettie’s name. Check out video from that day. And watch for upcoming information about new additions to the archive from the family of Carole Cones-Bradfield.
As always, if you have suggestions for content on the heritage website or topics for social media, let me know!