I graduated college this past May and am now a Theta alumna. I had the chance to reflect on my Theta experience so far during a chapter fireside meeting a few weeks before graduation when the seniors and freshmen broke out into groups. During that sisterhood event, I shared three tips for how younger members can get the most out of their college and Theta collegian experience.
1. Fake it ‘til you make it. I would not have held the officer positions and roles I did in college if I did not go into them more confident than how I really felt. When you act like you know what you’re doing, you come to realize you do know what you’re doing and fill in the gaps of what you don’t along the way. Test your limits and find out what you’re capable of! I’m sure it is more than you realize. So, apply for those officer positions, internships, and jobs that seem out of reach. You just might surprise yourself!
If you have the qualities, the qualifications will come with time. I felt intimidated when applying for my internship at Theta headquarters. In no way did I feel qualified to be working for “big Theta,” but I was so much more capable than I thought.

2. Make the most of EVERYTHING. College and Theta both are filled with all kinds of opportunities, so why not make use of them all? I’ll admit, sometimes the optional Theta events at my chapter didn’t seem up my alley or just fell during a busy time so it was tempting to skip them, but I don’t think I ever missed one without good reason. And I can certainly say I never regretted going. Go to everything!
You don’t want to leave college with what-ifs. I’m not sure how, but one way or another, the assignments get finished well and on time, so say yes to that plan! Four years may seem long, but like everyone says, the years fly by.

3. Remember that Theta is there for you. The amazing thing about being a Theta is that you already have something in common with every other member. All Thetas hold the qualities of the four points of the kite: personal excellence, leadership potential, commitment to service, and intellectual curiosity. These points connect you to every Theta, alumnae and collegians alike. Utilize this connection and lean on your sisters. You will immediately have a study buddy in your major, someone to have lunch with between classes, and so much more. As a collegian, reach out to Theta alumnae about jobs, internships, and advice, and I promise they will be more than happy to give you their two cents. Starting college in 2020, getting connected on campus was a struggle, but the connections I made through Theta and the familiar faces it provided me made a world of difference.

Outside of college, Theta continues to positively impact my life. As an intern at Theta headquarters, I have grown in both my graphic design abilities and communication skills. At the end of this summer, I am moving to a new city for graduate school, nervous to start all over again and make new friends. My anxiety was soothed when I remembered Theta. There is an alumnae chapter waiting for me that’s full of Thetas from all walks of life who will help me find a sense of familiarity in a new place, and I just can’t wait to meet them.
Four years have come and gone in the blink of an eye, so cherish the time. Make the most of your college and Theta experiences. College is amazing and Theta only makes it all the better. TLAM!