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Theta’s Mentoring Program Recognized by Gravyty

Category: Fraternity

Whether you’re a seasoned career services professional or a nonprofit community leader, you may be well-versed in mentoring programs, or you may be just getting started. The benefits of a well-executed mentoring program are plentiful to participants alike. Mentees get access to relevant, seasoned connections, personalized advice, and an expanded network of peers, and mentors benefit from leadership skill development and the joy of making a difference.

Gravyty, the company that provides the ThetaConnect mentoring and networking platform for Kappa Alpha Theta, recently recognized Kappa Alpha Theta as one of their top organizations who provide as a successful mentorship program to their members. The following text appeared on Gravyty’s website blog.


ThetaConnect, Kappa Alpha Theta’s member platform hosted on Gravyty, is a thriving community of more than 13,000 collegians and alumnae who connect with peers, explore career opportunities, participate in events, and more. One of the group’s mentoring programs, Thetas in Higher Education, facilitated meaningful connections between experienced professionals and those just starting out in their careers.

To boost program engagement ahead of National Mentoring Month in January, Theta’s engagement team leveraged Gravyty’s integrated video messaging tool to send out personalized videos inviting alumnae to participate in the program. The videos achieved an impressive 60% watch rate, with the emails featuring the videos reaching a nearly 40% click-through rate.

“Gravyty has provided outstanding resources to help prepare me for being the mentoring program administrator. I feel very prepared and supported launching my program thanks to their guidance!”
Madi Massey, Member Services Coordinator, Kappa Alpha Theta

Theta’s mentoring programs continue to grow, prompting rave reviews from participants. One mentee shared the following about mentoring program benefits:

“I learned a lot more about interviewing and résumé-building skills, as I had never had any prior training. My mentor provided me with a ton of helpful resources and encouragement.”
Gracie Gurr, Beta Mu/Nevada, Thetas in Higher Education mentee

To learn more about how you can benefit from mentoring, log in to ThetaConnect or email us at thetaconnect@kappaalphatheta.org.