The Spring 2022 issue of the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine is a special one! (Not that all other issues of the magazine aren’t special, of course!) It’s easy to lose track of time, but this issue takes a moment to recognize what’s been going on since last spring.
Theta’s CEO, Betsy Corridan, Beta Omicron/Iowa, is retiring after 38 years on staff and this issue’s Profile takes a trip down Betsy’s memory lane. Additionally, it was obvious that our members missed gathering in person, so we’re thrilled to feature two extra pages of Snapshots showcasing the fantastic pictures that were submitted. We also remember Thetas who passed away in 2021 in this issue’s In Memoriam. These are just a few featured examples of how this spring issue showcases the fostering of some lifelong memories. Memories are so special to have when we reminisce, but time flies, and we must also remember to pause, look around, and enjoy what we have when we’re in the moment.
The Spring 2022 issue is filling mailboxes through this week; we hope you’ll enjoy receiving the printed edition! As always, you can read the current issue, as well as past issues, on the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine page of this website.