The Autumn 2022 issue of the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine is here!
This issue comes at a time of year when we are encouraged to revisit, reevaluate, and review our goals. We prepare to wrap up one year and begin another.
This issue recollects our first in-person Grand Convention since 2018, where we welcomed a new Fraternity president this summer, Erica Ochs, Eta Nu/Lake Forest, along with a new Grand Council that will serve the Fraternity from 2022-2024. Catch plenty of pictures from the event and a full listing of all Grand Convention 2022’s award winners. Read more about the history of Grand Convention in this issue’s Ask the Archivist, and review the success of Theta Foundation’s 2022 Pansy Patch.
Additionally, as we approach the new year, be sure you read the 2023 Founders Day and Friendship Fund message on page 6.
The Autumn 2022 issue is filling mailboxes through the second week of December; we hope you’ll enjoy receiving the printed edition! As always, you can read the current issue, as well as past issues, on the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine page of this website.