(U.S.) Thanksgiving Holiday Closing
The Fraternity, Theta Foundation, and Fraternity Housing Corporation offices will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 27, through Friday, Nov. 29, in recognition of the (U.S.) Thanksgiving Day holiday.
The Fraternity, Theta Foundation, and Fraternity Housing Corporation offices will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 27, through Friday, Nov. 29, in recognition of the (U.S.) Thanksgiving Day holiday.
In late April, I took a spontaneous trip to Quito, Ecuador to treat myself for my birthday (call it a quarter-life crisis if you will). I booked the trip with just four days’ notice, so I did very little planning, apart from reading a guidebook on my plane ride to South America. I've been part of the Kappa Alpha Theta Global Alumnae Facebook group for a while now, and I've seen members post to find roommates in foreign countries, plan trips, or get recommendations, so I thought I should try it.
I posted in the group, and within hours had made Saturday night dinner plans with two collegians from Zeta Eta/Wofford who were studying abroad for the semester: Hannah Flack and Jessica McClain. I was traveling alone 3,000 miles with no preparation and felt a little bit crazy, but I took comfort in knowing I already had plans with sisters.
In the true spirit of Ecuador, where nothing ever goes as planned, I had some things change, and it was on my bucket list to go to a true futbol (soccer) game in South America, so I messaged Hannah asking if we could swap dinner for a local arena soccer game. She and Jessica met me, and we cheered on the Quito home team while swapping travel stories and favorite Theta memories. After a few days of traveling solo and making friends with foreigners in hostels, it was a breath of fresh of air to talk to sisters.
Join the Kappa Alpha Theta Global Alumnae Facebook group today! Already a member? Tell us what successes you’d had – sister meetups, tips, or stories to share!