As Thetas, we are constantly reminded of our sisters at other chapters or the connections that can be made when meeting a fellow Theta from another chapter while out and about. At the end of July, I had the opportunity to join Thetas from across North America for the Emerging Leaders Institute (ELI) in Indiana—where it all began. Throughout the four days, I was able to develop leadership skills and learn more overall about myself as a leader in a fun, fresh, and inclusive environment.
Leadership has always been an interesting topic for me, and I was able to learn about important ideas within leadership, such as ethical and inclusive leadership and how my strengths and identities influence how I lead as an individual versus a team setting. I am so excited to implement these new ideas in my everyday life and in my role as the vice president operations (VPO) for Alpha Nu Chapter.

As a member of Fly Five—the self-appointed nickname for Small Group #5—we were led through the week by our fearless leader, Kourtnee, as were other groups by incredible facilitators that helped to make this experience so incredible. The facilitators always brought THE energy to the early mornings and eventful days that were planned. A core memory of my experience is sitting in our general session, when we participated in an ice breaker that was essentially a battle between small groups to see who could shout a phrase the loudest. Afterward, the members at my table could not stop smiling and looking around the room; this feeling was contagious. This happened on the final evening, after busy days of learning, adventuring, and meeting complete strangers that are all connected through one thing: Kappa Alpha Theta.
Due to the generosity of Theta Foundation and donors who embrace the continued value of personal growth and education for members to come, I was able to witness the magnitude of Theta’s impact and make life-long connections through learning, growth, and new experiences. I am so incredibly grateful to have had this opportunity and am so proud to be a Theta!