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Leadership in Practice: The Importance of Voting and Civic Engagement for Thetas

Category: Fraternity

Alicia Lee

Zeta Omicron, Wake Forest

Kappa Alpha Theta is an organization that boasts leadership as a developmental cornerstone. Per Theta’s leadership assumptions, leadership development helps us to appreciate the values of difference and prepares us to contribute to a global society. It is so important to enhance one’s self-knowledge to mobilize herself and others to serve and work collaboratively.

It is vital in today’s world that our members find ways to exercise leadership in a way that supports their communities, more specifically in the ways of registering to vote and staying updated with the current happenings in your community. Knowing and understanding what is happening in our local communities and equipping ourselves with that knowledge is a true mark of a leading Theta.

Thetas, including Alicia Lee (second from right), attend the 2024 Capitol Hill Visits.

Here’s where to start.

Register to vote.

Let me be clear: This is not about politics. Women in the United States were granted the right to vote in 1920; even then, not all women were actually afforded the ability to vote. In Canada, women in certain territories were granted voting rights before all Canadian women could vote in 1918. So, if you’re not registered, do so ASAP.

Better yet, American Thetas can celebrate National Voter Registration Day (Sept. 17), a nonpartisan civic holiday dedicated to celebrating democracy, by using this date as a reminder to register. Celebrated each September, National Voter Registration Day involves registering voters educating citizens, and uniting Americans. Learn more at

Stay current on local, state, and national issues.

As important as it is to vote, it’s even more important to be an educated voter. It’s easy to think your voice is getting lost in the shuffle, but your vote truly is vitally important in elections. Issues that affect higher education and proposed legislation can be found at all levels of government. Be sure to stay in the know.

Contact your local, state, provincial, and/or federal elected officials.

If you feel strongly about an issue, let your elected officials know. Communicating with your elected officials is key to how they may vote on matters important to you.