Emotional Wellness in Anxious Times
This feels like an extraordinary time, and your family, your Theta sisters, or yourself may need help coping with ongoing uncertainty as campuses and communities take steps to prevent the further spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Below is a list of some useful resources. Campus counseling centers are also helpful resources for students.
- Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741 (US) or 686868 (Canada)
- Call: 1-800-723-TALK (8255)
- JED Foundation
- Psychology Today (US) or (Canada)
- To Write Love on Her Arms (find help)
A Washington Post article reprinted in The Seattle Times offered advice to those suffering from anxiety disorders; these are good suggestions for all of us.
- Maintain your routines as much as possible.
- Avoid crowds, but don’t isolate yourself.
- Sleep, because it’s good for your immune system.
- Eat healthy food; don’t stress-eat junk.
- Don’t drink too much alcohol … or coffee.
- Exercise. It’s calming and may boost immune function.
- Get news only from reliable sources and don’t become absorbed in the coverage for long periods of time.
- Take breaks. Play a game. Watch a movie (but not Contagion). Take a yoga class. Try a meditation app. Anything that will get your focus off the blather.
Also visit the Coronavirus Update page that offers answers to some frequently asked questions.