Coronavirus Update
The overall health and wellness of our members deserves our utmost care and attention. We want you to know that Kappa Alpha Theta headquarters is closely monitoring the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), on communities and campuses across the continent. This impact—and the reactions to it—are evolving on a rapid basis.
As you know from news reports, the coronavirus is spreading in the US. We can, however, still slow it down by social distancing and avoiding crowds. This is why many businesses and universities are asking staff and students to work virtually and limiting large-group events and meetings. People will still get sick, but by limiting the number of infections, we can make sure that sick people get the treatment they need.
Because of the large numbers of students and faculty members who travel abroad to study and teach, colleges may be especially susceptible to the coronavirus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a great deal of helpful information about COVID-19, including symptom descriptions, advice on what to do if you are sick, travel guidance, and how to prevent the spread of the virus.
In addition, the attached document, and this web page that we will continue to update, offers answers to some frequently asked questions, and chapter advisors, district officers, and Theta staff are also resources for you. Even as we cope with disruptions to our daily lives, we can take care of ourselves and one another.