Celebrating Theta Connections
Way back in 2004, we had our first gathering in Denver with only six people attending. Next, we went to the Seattle/Portland area with seven members attending, then to Des Moines with eight members, then to Kansas City with 14 attendees, and this year in May in Charleston, S.C., with spouses, we had 17 Thetas getting together for a fabulous vacation and a time for Theta bonding.
Each time we meet, we seem to jump right in to celebrate our gathering. In Kansas City at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, the docent we happened to get was a Theta! She gave us a really special tour of the museum because we were Theta sisters. Recently in Charleston, one of our sisters invited us to her historic home for a tour. After that, she had friends who owned an art gallery in Charleston, and they invited us to their gallery for an evening of viewing their art and sharing a glass of wine. The artist who owned the gallery gave each of us one of his reproductions as a gift.
In Charleston, we did many other fun things together: visited a plantation, took a scenic boat ride around the harbor, had many delicious meals, rode Pedicabs, took a walking tour of the city, and just had time to chat and catch up from 50+ years! As an added bonus to our trip, I touched base with a Theta who I’d known from years past that lives in the Charleston area now. We met and visited Savannah and the surrounding areas. What a great time we had!
So, if you haven’t gotten together with the women of your chapter, try it out. You will be surprised how we Thetas connect with one another, no matter where we are!