7:00 a.m.: I wake up and either get ready for work or try to go for a run before class.
7:30 a.m.: On days I go for a run, I get about four miles in. Running has always been a way for me to relieve stress and start the day off right.
8:15 a.m.: On the days I don’t work, I head back to my apartment to get ready for the day. I grab something to eat, make a cup of coffee, and start a to-do list.
9:00 a.m.: I head to the Business School for my morning class, Customer Relationship Management. I am a marketing and finance double major, and this is a marketing elective I chose to take this semester. This class has been more of a challenge than I expected; however, I enjoy it because I am learning something new.

I usually walk to class with a few of my Theta roommates. We get to catch up and hang out before the busy day starts.
11:00 a.m.: After class, I usually like to find a friend to get coffee with because there is a short window between my class and lunch. Today, I am walking to Starbucks with one of my Theta friends.

Something I have loved about having a leadership role in my chapter is that it has given me so many unexpected friendships that will last forever. We are involved in totally different things outside of Theta and don’t get to hang out quite as often.
12:00 p.m.: After coffee, it’s time to head to Theta for lunch. Even though I live out of the house, I still get the option to eat there every day. This is so helpful with an especially busy schedule.
Lunch is one of my favorite times of the day because I get to see so many people. We are having a taco bar for lunch today—one of my favorites!
12:45 p.m.: Once we finish lunch, my roommate and I walk to our afternoon class, Entrepreneurial Finance. I had some extra room in my schedule this semester and was interested in learning more about entrepreneurship, so I signed up.
Today, we had a guest speaker in class who was on Shark Tank! It was exciting to hear their journey and perspective on the rewards and challenges of being an entrepreneur.
2:15 p.m.: After class, my roommate and I walk back to our apartment.
For the remainder of the afternoon, I usually work on homework and catch up on Theta-related tasks. This afternoon, I am working on a case study for my Real Estate Finance class and updating my president binder for our incoming president.
4:30 p.m.: I got some work done, so now it’s time for a little fun! My friends and I have recently developed a love for Pickleball. There are courts about two minutes from our apartment, so we love to go play when we can. I am definitely not a professional, but I’m getting better as I play more!

5:30 p.m.: From the courts, my friends and I walk to Theta dinner. In addition to lunches, we are lucky to be able to eat two dinners per week at the house. Tonight, we are having salmon bowls— another one of my favorites!
We love to hang out at the house for a while after dinner. We all lived in Theta for two years, so we miss it a lot. Sitting on the couch in the living room always gets us talking about memories from living in and usually ends in us laughing!
6:30 p.m.: I head to the Student Union for a Panhellenic roundtable with all the chapter presidents. We meet once a month to discuss updates, ask for advice, etc. It is a great way to lean on each other and bring our chapters closer together.
7:30 p.m.: From there, I go straight to our Student Welcome Center for a weekly Student Ambassador meeting. As a Student Ambassador, I give tours to prospective Kansas University students and their families. We meet during this time to discuss admissions updates and bond as a team.
9:00 p.m.: For the rest of the evening, I finish any homework and, at some point, take a study break. Although it may seem simple, my roommates and I love to drive through campus at night and catch up after a long day.
I try to be in bed by 11:30 p.m. or midnight, especially since I wake up early on most days.
This was a typical day in my life, but every day looks a bit different and that’s what makes college so exciting. I get the chance to fill my schedule with things I enjoy and make it fun even when there is a lot to do. Something is still happening even when there aren’t meetings to attend, whether it is a social event, dinner plan, movie night, library study session, and so much more. College has truly been a one-of-a-kind experience, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!