By Sheryl Culotta,
Zeta Zeta, Colgate
I feel deeply grateful to have a strong personal connection to the work of Connecticut CASA.
The bill addresses crucial concerns surrounding freedom of association, particularly in the context of Greek life.
It’s imperative that we stand together to protect students’ rights and discourage this action from happening at other campuses.
Eleanor Cart, Kaitlyn Iannace, Clarke Jones, Jane McArdle, and Molly McCollum, all Gamma Delta/Georgia, are heroes.
By Lisa Thibault,
Epsilon Iota, Westminster
Grand Convention is Kappa Alpha Theta’s main event every two years where Thetas from all over convene for Theta business and fun.
"The conference gave me the resources to advocate for myself on my college campuses and opened my eyes to new perspectives."
By Ali Johnson-Calderone,
Alpha Omicron, Oklahoma
The foster care system is very broken and very complicated to navigate; CASA volunteers make it easier.
By Cathie Waters Cardelucci,
Beta Xi, UCLA
This annual letter writing has become a beloved passion project for our former leaders.
By Liz Handlin,
Epsilon Phi, Chicago
Lisa’s initiation embodied the phrase, “Theta for a lifetime,” and now Mary and I are finally able to call Lisa our sister.
Have you thought of serving as a mentor? Here are five reasons you should consider it.
By Isabella Markovski-Dickey,
Alpha, DePauw
Theta is here for you in whatever way you need it every step of the way.
By Paula Burkes,
Beta Zeta, Oklahoma State
“Theta for a Lifetime.” It was a slogan we memorized and snickered at when we were pledges so many years ago. But now, we get it.