Pay Alumnae Dues
Voluntary alumnae dues (Only $33 a year!) enable you to receive all printed issues of the Theta Magazine, along with helping Theta recognize 25-, 50-, and 75-year Thetas; send delegates to Grand Convention; fund alumnae programs; and establish new chapters.
If you would like to pay your alumnae chapter dues, please visit Theta Portal, click Pay Alumnae Dues and follow the prompts.
Paying your voluntary dues supports Kappa Alpha Theta in these ways:
- College and alumnae chapter development and growth;
- Expansion efforts onto new campuses across North America;
- The efforts of more than 3,000 volunteers;
- Production of the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine;
- E-newsletters sent to alumnae four times per year;
- Leadership opportunities for Thetas, including Leadership Academy;
- Grand Convention, a biennial event for both college and alumnae members;
- Ongoing enhancements for this website and overall marketing efforts; and
- The efforts of hundreds of volunteers at all levels across North America!