Although your Theta story begins during college, it doesn’t end when you graduate. Far from it, in fact! At every age and every stage of life, you have multiple options for connecting (or reconnecting) with your Theta sisters.
Pay Alumnae Dues
Voluntary alumnae dues (Only $33 a year!) enable you to receive all printed issues of the Theta Magazine, along with helping Theta recognize 25-, 50-, and 75-year Thetas; send delegates to Grand Convention; fund alumnae programs; and establish new chapters.
Ways to Get Involved
Join ThetaConnect
Sign up for ThetaConnect to search our member directory, find or serve as a mentor, post jobs for other Thetas, connect with others in chapter groups, and so much more!
Sign Up for ThetaConnectVolunteer
The Fraternity could not function without the nearly 3,000 volunteers who serve our college and alumnae members.
Learn How to VolunteerFind an Alumnae Group
Joining a Theta alumnae group is one way to continue your active participation after graduation.
Find an Alumnae Group Near YouBecome Life Loyal
By becoming Life Loyal, you ensure important programs continue to function, and you receive special communication from Theta, like receiving all printed issues of the Theta Magazine.
Join Life LoyalReceive the Alumnae Newsletter
Four times per year, dues-paying and Life Loyal members receive Bettie’s Buzz, a newsletter containing the latest news and happenings, and how to stay involved as an alumna.
Update Your InformationJoin Reading Women
Join Reading Women and participate in monthly book discussions via Facebook.
Join Our Book ClubAlumna Initiate Process

Alumna Initiate Process
The Fraternity's alumna initiate program offers membership to exceptional women who were not a part of Greek life as college women.
Reunion Planning

Reunion Planning
Are you planning a reunion with your chapter's new member class? Help is here! Contact Theta headquarters for tips, Theta-branded graphics, and planning questions. Begin by downloading the Reunion Toolkit in Theta Portal > Documents > Alumnae.
Contact Us
There are many ways alumnae can get involved. If you're looking to learn more about these opportunities, contact us for more information.